
!Download Stealers' Sky by Robert Lynn Asprin!

Stealers' Sky by Robert Lynn Asprin
Published December 1st 1989 by Ace; ISBN: 0441806120; 240 Pages

Welcome to Sanctuary, a city of outlaws and adventurers in a world of war and wizardry, peopled with colorful characters created by today's top fantasy adventure talents, including:

Lynn Abbey
Robert Lynn Asprin
C.J. Cherryh
Andrew J. Offutt

In this dramatic final adventure, clouds of war gather over Sanctuary once again. And as warriors prepare for battle, thieves eagerly await a great dust storm to envelop the city. For then they can silently strike, slipping in and out of the raging currents of the storm...

* Dramatis Personae - Lynn Abbey
* Introduction - Robert Lynn Asprin
* Night Work - Andrew Offutt
* The Incompetent Audience - John DeCles
* Our Vintage Years - Duane McGowen
* Quicksilver Dreams - Diana L. Paxson
* Winds of Fortune - C.J. Cherryh
* The Fire in a God's Eye - Robin Wayne Bailey
* Web Weavers - Lynn Abbey
* To Begin Again - Robert Lynn Asprin

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